BreakThrough!!!! :)
Frankly speaking, diz come back has been tuffer than i had thot especially in uploading diz .fla dat u c above with Blogspot....Thnx 2 Anz for her Polish high speed FREE internet according 2 her!!!:) "Beg ur pardon?? Did i hear whoz Anz??" .... Can i talk abt my comeback for this time plz??!! :)
Itz surely a nice feeling to be a blogger again....:)
Lifez been movin really fast after readin my last blog. Most of which had been updated in my diary when i had been on my annual leave to B'lore. Quick look on whtz been happenin....
> I am still with Oriental Oryx Intl. LLC as an IT consultant / 'll complete 2 years in spetmeber. Hope my Boss increases my salary in September..:(
> My first leave to India was really sumthin tht i had been looking forward and itz been one of de finest trip of happiness i wud ever had as of today. Thnx 2 Teenz a TON!! Exactly...itz de same Teenz...i still hv her!!! :)
> Bro shifted to a US firm named Weatherford in Saudi....eeks i know....Saudi sounds so boring rite??!!! hmm.... wht 2 do.... sumtimes Life doest give u much options at times...
> I havent put on weight still :( n i know tht u aint surprised either...hehe...
> Lifes getting pretty much settled down in Muscat....
> Parents had been on a health check tour to India for a month n a half.... had a tuf time running de house alone...but was worth n xperience....
> Had organised ISM g2g ....turned out to be a success.
> Kroopz gettin married!!! :)
Kroopa: "Hello people,
Just wanted to let you guys know that Kaushal and I are tying the knot on December 7 this year in India."
Had 2 update this coz of Keshi :P
>Talkin abt marriage, Mom is juz eating MY HEAD with dat topic!!!! :(
Keshi, Got de Answer??!! ;) Thnx newayz!! :)
Tuf Times:
Hmm...... oh food poisoning de day after my parents left 2 India....hmm...datz logical..isnt it...hehe...
Whtz in store?? hmm....commitments??!! yez i do..... GRE runnin thru my head...gettin settled on de other side of de head....being SINGLE on de other hand...
Talking abt Marriage...had been thinkin a lil too much on it ...especially on Life after doom...hehe..kiddin...;) n ironically pro-active for some time.....
I happened to go thru this article once.... itz worth a thought.....
Pre-Requisites to getting married:
Before any man gets hitched, ties the knot and settles down, there are a few things and man should be, do or have before he does so. These “pre requisites”, in various forms, can be found throughout the earliest societies on earth.
1. Be an island unto yourself
This means basically to be able to be independent in all important areas, such as financially, emotionally and even sexually. Stated the opposite way, “do not “NEED” your woman in any way”. This does not ELIMINATE the possibility of having a wife who works while you stay home with the children and other similar arrangements, but again, it’s more of a “where are you at” situation. If you’re feeling resentful or competitive with your “financially superior” wife, then you are NOT and island unto yourself. This is really about “needs” and “neediness”.
2.Be clear about the reasons you are getting married.
There are really only TWO reasons for a MAN to get married. These are the only reasons that are not “fear based” or “needy”, like being alone, companionship, etc. They are “To be a mother to your children”, and “The unconditional acceptance and love of a woman”. The first is pretty simple. You need someone to raise your children, nurture them, be an expert at the art of “relationship”, which you are not. The second is a bit more esoteric, but just as powerful. When you have a woman by your side who adores and worships you, it gives you strength and power and desire to be MORE. The best marriages I’ve seen have partners who make each other want to be better husbands and wives. This is the concept here. When a woman treats his man with respect and gushes over him and adores him and makes him feel like a million bucks waiting for change, he’ll want to go out and MAKE a million bucks and not even wait for the change!!! Treating a man like he’s always coming up a little short usually leads to a man who does just that. Comes up a little short. Why try harder with a woman you can’t please? I’ve had both situations and I’m with a woman now who worships the ground I walk on and I gotta tell you, I can’t be stopped!!
3. Know what you’re getting into!
Does this woman fit in with who you are as a man? Is it actually going to IMPROVE your life? Are you compromising anything about yourself to get into the marriage? It should be BETTER to be in the marriage than NOT be in the marriage. Will this woman surrender and trust you or will she fight you every inch of the way? Do you find yourself “explaining” or “defending” her alot? I know a musician friend of mine who has a whole litany and story about the reasons his wife is so miserable. It’s amazing, and you know right away it’s not the first time he’s recited it. He’s also a GREAT man for doing this, now that he’s married and has 2 little boys. He’s surrendered to the situation he’s in and he’s committed. KNOW who you are and the kind of woman you want to be with. Don’t get side tracked by great sex or movie star looks.
Okiez, now tht i hv made de honour to be back as a will keep u posted with interesting topics....n nteresting characters ;)
Gt 2 hit de pillowz coz tomm is Saturday n tht means back to work!!!! : Need 2 wake up early....
Quote 4 de Day:
Getting married is like permanently grafting your hand to the cookie jar.
No matter how sweet those cookies may taste, you can't help but wonder
what would have happened if you'd chosen some other dessert--brownies,
for instance ... or frozen yogurt ... or maybe chocolate strudel.
-JEROME P. CRABB (Dont ask me...i dont know him either!!! hehe)
At August 03, 2008 3:53 AM,
Teena Sam said…
Welcome BAck Petez....!! I was Just waiting for your Blogs to Restart!!
I thank God..Specially on this day..for the kind of FRIEND, he has gven me in go on with......
Happy Friendship Day Sweetzzzz!!!!!
God Bless You loadzzzzzzzzzzzzz Alwayz!!
At August 04, 2008 3:25 AM,
Rià said…
liked the pre requisites of marriage tht u have mentioned here!and gud to knw abt u. :)
At August 04, 2008 5:59 PM,
Keshi said…
lol no worries at all. and tnxx!
Nice music here!
At August 11, 2008 3:19 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi ,
I was reading ur blog posts and found some of them to be wow.. u write well.. Why don't you popularize it more.. ur posts on ur blog ‘<<<®ĒÅLÌŦ¥>>>’ took my particular attention as some of them are interesting topics of mine too;
BTW I help out some ex-IIMA guys who with another batch mate run where you can post links to your most loved blog-posts. Rambhai was the chaiwala at IIMA and it is a site where users can themselves share links to blog posts etc and other can find and vote on them. The best make it to the homepage!
This way you can reach out to rambhai readers some of whom could become your ardent fans.. who knows.. :)
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