Peter Is BACK for a short break!!!!
Heylo Frenz,Hv been bizy with a hell lot of stuffs so hardly got time to blog nethin. However,letz make de summary 4 wht has been happening with me :
Me back to Muscat after a long big interesting experience with de Garden City(Bangalore),Got a lot of good newz coming up....will let you know when de apt time comez....And yea frenz,My 3rd road test coming up again.Remember de last time i flunked coz i had a chewing gum in my mouth....Sheesh,i don wanna even think abt it....coz itz invalid from de copz point of view in all possible sense....$%%#*# him.... lol...heheh
Now with de taggies :
3 main rules :
* Say who tagged U
* Say EIGHT things abt urself
* Tag 6 ppl
Who tagged me....De Sweetie Kid from Vizag....
8 Factz abt Me : lemme see wht comes to my mind as of now
1) I juz luv making new frenz,meeting new characters in my life.
2) I am a person who luvz to make ppl happy especially in their tuffest mood coz it gives me a high level of satisfaction.
3) I believe in de statement "Life is juz de way you look at it".
4) Me a mix of every of every mood : Fun,Luvin,short tempered @ times,serious,sentimental,Party,humourous......(itz k,dont think too much,frenz....hehhehee)
5) Do i prefer love marriage or arranged marriage?? De answer is tht i prefer "Love cum arranged marriage"..hehehe
6) My wish as of now "I want to put on some weight,Some HOW :-X".....hehe
7) I hv changed my hairstyle again for de 4th time in Life....will show u de new pix soon.
8) I have been a very smart guy in completing 8 facts abt myself in thiz manner...hehehe
Now de 6 ppl whom i would luv to TAG :
Kroopa ------- Moonie --------- Teena --------- Rinish -------- Keshi --------- YOU
Me back to Muscat after a long big interesting experience with de Garden City(Bangalore),Got a lot of good newz coming up....will let you know when de apt time comez....And yea frenz,My 3rd road test coming up again.Remember de last time i flunked coz i had a chewing gum in my mouth....Sheesh,i don wanna even think abt it....coz itz invalid from de copz point of view in all possible sense....$%%#*# him.... lol...heheh
Now with de taggies :
3 main rules :
* Say who tagged U
* Say EIGHT things abt urself
* Tag 6 ppl
Who tagged me....De Sweetie Kid from Vizag....
8 Factz abt Me : lemme see wht comes to my mind as of now
1) I juz luv making new frenz,meeting new characters in my life.
2) I am a person who luvz to make ppl happy especially in their tuffest mood coz it gives me a high level of satisfaction.
3) I believe in de statement "Life is juz de way you look at it".
4) Me a mix of every of every mood : Fun,Luvin,short tempered @ times,serious,sentimental,Party,humourous......(itz k,dont think too much,frenz....hehhehee)
5) Do i prefer love marriage or arranged marriage?? De answer is tht i prefer "Love cum arranged marriage"..hehehe
6) My wish as of now "I want to put on some weight,Some HOW :-X".....hehe
7) I hv changed my hairstyle again for de 4th time in Life....will show u de new pix soon.
8) I have been a very smart guy in completing 8 facts abt myself in thiz manner...hehehe
Now de 6 ppl whom i would luv to TAG :
Kroopa ------- Moonie --------- Teena --------- Rinish -------- Keshi --------- YOU
At September 10, 2006 8:18 AM,
Sweety Maruth said…
lol !!!! welcome back 2 blogdom petu dear [:)]
yup!!! put some more weight :P ...n do u wanna 2 make frdship more n more ?? i guzz u hve lotsa best pals na...hehehe ...n n marriage ..yea still u hve lot of time for tht .so dontworry abt BRIDE !!!
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